Our Mission

The KAE / 4Canna family brings together individuals with 10+ years of experience in local and national music, arts and events. KAE / 4Canna are dedicated to creating brand awareness connecting B2B and B2C in an environment of positivity. We pride ourselves on living true to the values of peace, love, unity and respect, we will stand against any form of discrimination, abuse, hate or negativity. We thank all of those who support our mission and invite you to come join the KAE / 4Canna family, together we can truly build something beautiful.

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Meet The KAE Founders

Ron Tate

President & FOUNDER

the ground up, Ron has spearheaded paramount strategic industry shifts for transforming IT from a functional focus to facilitating innovation for businesses.

Justin Umipeg

ceo & founder

I started playing guitar and piano when I was 9.  As I got older I found a passion in music production and rapping.  In 2011 I began working VIP sales at a local nightclub. It was there that I was introduced to the EDM community and the diverse music it brought. That’s when I knew working events is what I wanted to do. I started to branch out and began my journey marketing and working with various night clubs and production companies in Seattle throwing a few events of my own along the way. After many ups and downs in the local scene me and my long time partner Keano decided it was time to create an event company that was dedicated to doing things the right way. We are KAE and together we will build something beautiful for us all.